
Hi, I’m Leslie! I love to envision, create and celebrate… oh, and the bigger the better! Go big or go home, isn’t that what they say? As a kid, my mom always made my brother and I feel extra special. Every birthday, milestone, moment – she went out of her way to make sure we felt important. My fondest memories are of my own childhood parties that my mom willingly took on, especially those backyard sleepovers – catching fireflies and playing flashlight games. As a mom, I strive to make my kids feel just as magical, creating memories to last a life time of smiles…

I have an amazing family! My son Drew, is 9 years old, an old soul as many say and LOVES HOCKEY. My daughter Paige, is 7 years old, equally active and very busy trying to figure out what she’s most passionate about… today it’s soccer & animals! My husband Brian and I have been married for 10 years and without his support and help, all my crazy ideas wouldn’t come to fruition. We’re busy learning how to manage our busy lifestyles, all the while having as much fun as we can!

Fireflies & Flashlights was passionately created over several years of planning out Drew & Paige’s birthday parties and years of dreaming how I could bring home those magical memories to busy families, with little effort and the least amount of stress!